Get The Dental Treatment You Need Without The Fear

We Value Your Comfort

Individuals of all ages suffer from anxiety surrounding dental treatment. No matter how simple or complicated the treatment, many hold back from taking charge of their dental care out of fear. The dental team at Smile Again Dental Implant Center is your local dental anesthesia provider here to help you overcome these fears. We strive to make our patients comfortable and their treatments as painless as possible. Our implant specialist is an acclaimed oral and maxillofacial surgeon with years of advanced training and experience in dental surgery. Our dental team features licensed anesthesia providers with experience in advanced anesthesia delivery systems. At Smile Again Dental Implant Center, your dental anesthesiologist offers sedation dentistry designed for your safety and comfort. Different types if sedation dentistry is available to suit the complexity of treatment. If you’re looking for a practice with dental anesthesia options, and a compassionate team you can trust, visit us for your surgical care.

Benefits Of Sedation Dentistry:

Our Sedation Dentistry Options

Nitrous Oxide

Prior to treatment, a mask will be placed over your nose and/or mouth allowing you to inhale nitrous oxide, also known as “laughing gas”. During your treatment you will be conscious and alert, however you will experience a deep relaxation and minimal anxiety. Many patients opt for this form of sedation dentistry because the effects wear off quickly once the mask is removed.

IV Conscious Sedation

IV conscious sedation is a deeper form of sedation dentistry administered intravenously to place patients in a sleep-like state, but still awake during treatment. It is common for patients to forget portions of their time during treatment or sometimes the entire time of their care. Due to the deeper sedation, patients will need help driving home from their visit.

General Anesthesia

This is the deepest form of sedation and reserved for complex, extensive dental procedures like full mouth dental implant placement. General anesthesia is a combination of medications that result in the patient being completely unconscious during treatment. It is common during sleep dentistry for patients to feel the effects for a while after surgery. Please note only practitioners specially trained like our implant specialists are granted the privilege of providing this level of sedation.

Dental Anxiety Shouldn't Stop You

Dental anxiety can cause you to ignore dental symptoms and postpone dental treatment that could prevent dental ailments from becoming greater. Small issues that could be remedied easily can grow into larger, complicated ones. Poor oral health can affect your physical health and mental well-being. With all our sedation and dental anesthesia options, you don’t need to worry about this happening to you. Contact our office to learn how our sedation dentistry solutions can help you relieve dental anxiety and receive the treatment you need. Dental anesthesia can change the way you approach your oral health. Get the treatment you need while relaxed and comfortable. If you have been looking for sedation anesthesia near you, look no further!

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